Tuesday, June 8, 2010


Feeling pretty good today. The chest hurts quite a but. (Overdoin it during the day) But other than that....
Diggin the weight loss though. I need smaller clothes, seriously. Not a bad problem to have.

But the other good news, my father started to move his left leg. (He had a stroke three days before I got my heart.) ((What timing)). So, I'll accept that as a miracle and that is that. Alot of us are praying for him. It'll be a long road. But he's a fighter and always has a positive attitude. I expect a full recovery.
It's been quite a year already and I just want everything to calm down so D and I can coast a while, relax and catch up. Much needed vacation.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Sunday June 6

Hey there,
I got my results back from the biopsy and I'm not rejecting at all as of now. I'm at 0R. some they took me off three meds and lowered the prednisone again. If it keeps going this way I'll be off most of my meds in a few months. Though I'll have to take anti-rejection meds for the rest of my life. Which doesn't bother me at all. Getting back to a normal life. I'll get the o.k. to drive andm play drums in 2 weeks. Looking forward to that.
Alot of you have been wanting to see the pics I have on the procedure. They're pretty graphic so I'm looking for a way to open the on the page without them just showing up on the page. We'll see. I'm working on it.
Well, that the good news for the day. Talk to you soon.

Thursday, June 3, 2010


Thursdays are long days at the hospital (AGH) all day testing with a biopsy chaser) 6am - 3-4pm.
By the time we get home D and I are so tired it;s straight to bed. I'll get a call tomorrow about the biopsy and rejection levels. The first 3 months are critical. I'm one month to the day after the transplant. So far so good. I'll let you all know the results as I get them. But so far today I was taken off three meds and it looks like they 'll lower the prednisone another 5 mgs. (That is good news) The pressures in each chamber and my lungs is exactly where the docs want them to be. If all goes well. I'll be able to drive in 2 weeks. And that little bit of independence is gold. D can get a break finally. And I can start making some house call to family and friends. I have alot of you to catch up with.
Until next time, thanks for reading,

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

wed. June 2

hey all,
Going for another biopsy omorrow. and will let you know what we find out. I get a biopsy every week on the right side of my heart to test for rejection and what not. So far, I'm looking the way I should with very mild rejection. Some rejection is expected. Rejection ranges from 0-7r, I' (I'm at 1r mild inflammation of some cells) Again, expected. I'll learn more Friday on my immunity levels. As it stands right now, it's still pretty weak.
Please continue to pray for my father. Some of you know that he had a stroke 3 days before I got the call that a heart was ready to be transplanted to me. I haven't been able to see him in person at the rehab facility (Due to the germs) since I got out from the hospital nearly a month ago. He's making some progress though.
So as you can imagine, I'm getting pretty fed up with hospitals and clinics and such. But whatcha gonna do?
I'll keep you posted.
I told you at the beginning of this blog that I would chronicle the journey from start to finish. (The end being life after the transplant. Well we're here. I didn't think it would be after only 4 months but it is. I plan on telling you all about the night I got the call for the heart and what followed. So keep checking in.
thanks for following the blog. Talk to you soon.

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Sunday May 30

Hi All,
Just a quick note to let you know that I'm still feeling great and have since I was released. My weekly biopsies are returning some good news and the meds are coming down in both dosage and frequency. Getting off the prednisone will be great.
D and I saw some good friends last evening and had a blast. I'll be doin more of that soon. Went to the flea market this morning to get out a lil while. It was a beautiful day to be out.
I plan on spending quite a bit of this summer outside. D and I are excited about geocaching. Never heard of it? Look it up. We're starting soon. Just trying out some equipment first. See if her phone may work in some situations. (Now, you gotta look it up)
I'll be talkin to you all soon.
Keep checking the blog for the transplant story.
See ya around,

Friday, May 28, 2010

fri. May 28th

Hi All,
As promised I'll be blogging again. (See, I am now...Ta Da)
Forgot to mention yesterday that there be a short article about my transplant in the Latrobe Bulletin soon. Maybe Saturday. It's basically everything you already know so, no biggie.
I've been bumping into some of you here and there and it's been great. I am getting stronger and will be visiting you very soon. (been needing to get out for a while) I have plans to get together will my brothers (Ed n Johnny) along with the rest of the maniacs this holiday weekend and I'm pretty pumped for that. Hope all of you have a safe and great holiday. Just don't forget the reason we have the long weekend. Honor those who fought and died and even up with ridicule and blame by some ingrates, our American soldiers. God Bless Them.
Talk to you soon,

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Thursday 27th

Hi All,
It has been awhile since I blogged... Richard is doing very well. Looking at him, it is hard to believe that he just had a heart transplant! He is starting to feel better and has a lot of energy at times. Soon he will be running circles around me and I'll have to change my behavior to keep up.

Once a week he goes back to AGH for a day of testing to check for rejection and to see what his levels are at for various things, for example blood sugar. Today's testing all went well. The doctors continue to look at his progress with a smile and amazement. They are very happy with how he is doing. Good progress means, that the medications he is taking gets reduced and that is always a good thing.
Richard is going to blogg himself, he promises, in the next few days. We are trying to settle in to our place and get some-kind of schedule going.

We hope that you take the time this holiday weekend to be with your families and enjoy this special time together.
Lots of love Dee and Rich